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V5 - Revit Plugin - Issues Viewer

Learn how to do real time Issue collaboration in Revit via 3D Repo

Written by Sourav Yadav
Updated over 4 months ago

The Issues viewer plugin provides you with a convenient way for issue management. You can review existing issues or send new ones directly to 3D Repo, all without leaving the Revit application. I'll show you how to do the following:

  • Load project issues

  • Create a new Issue

  • Comment on Issues

  • Open/Add Resource

Initial Set Up

  • Download and install the plugin prior to opening Revit application

  • Open your 3D model in Revit and create a 3D View named 3D Repo
    ​Use it for issue coordination

  • Use a Perspective Projection Mode for better issue reviewing
    ​Feel free to Add/Load Revit links if necessary

Load Project Issues

  • Click on the Issues icon located in the 3D Repo tab (main ribbon menu)

  • In the 3D Repo Issues Viewer window provide your login details and click Login. You can switch between or as the domain server.

  • Navigate over to your model container by selecting the relevant Teamspace, Project and Model. Issue pins are not supported nor visible in the Revit model viewer environment.

View Issues

Click on any of the Issues to see it in the model. That will update your camera position as per 3D Repo. To access more of the information about the issue, click on the grey arrow. Once you open an issue, you will get all of the information about it, including any comments & resources.

Filter Issues List

Use the search bar or the filter icon to reduce the list of issues you see in Revit. It's a great way to help you find what you need.

  • Filter By Status, Priority, Type, Assigned to, Created by, Date From/To

  • Or search by typing any keyword/phrase

Create a new Issue

You can create new issues, comments and markups in Revit and send them directly to 3D Repo. Other project members are able to review them in 3D Repo or their own Revit model using our plugin.

  • Click on the Plus button located at the bottom of the issues list.

  • Fill in the information required, just as you would do in 3D Repo

  • You can upload an image or take a screenshot of your model view

  • When you take a model screenshot (3D/2D View) you will be able to create a markup, just as you would do in 3D Repo
    ​Click on the picture if you wish to delete/retake it before saving your issue

  • Click on the Save icon

Comment on Issues

Scroll down to the Comments section to read previous comments or to add a new one. Comments in Revit are instantly sent to 3D Repo. Click on the Refresh icon to load the latest information from 3D Repo.

You can click on comments to update your camera position as you would with individual issues. This would only work on comments created in 3D Repo.

Add a comment

  • Click on the comments box and start typing

  • Click on the Save icon to add your comment

Add a markup

  • Take a model screenshot to create markup

  • In the pop-up window draw/write anything you like

  • Click on the X icon to close the window

  • Your mark up will appear in the new comment section

Open/Add Resource

Once you have created a new issue, a new tab will appear called Resources. Open it to add additional documents to the issue. URL links will open in the default web browser and documents will be saved locally.

Supported resource file formats include PDF, Images/Videos and URL Links.

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