3D Repo Custom Tickets templates (detailed here) allow admins to populate forms with fields including:
Short Text (text)
Long Text (longText)
Switch (boolean)
Number (number)
Single Select (oneOf)
Multi Select (manyOf)
Date (date)
Image (image)
Viewpoint (viewpoint)
Pin (coords)
Below is a screenshot displaying each of the options.
For each property inside a module you must create a property object using the following schema:
"name":"Drop Down single select",
"Option 1",
"Option 2",
"Option 3"
name | string | Name of the field (shown in the Ticket creation UI). |
type | string | One of [text, longText, boolean, number, oneOf, manyOf, date ,image, viewpoint, coords]. |
deprecated | boolean | Whether the field is available for new tickets being created. |
values (optional) | list | If type is manyOf or oneOf this will be a list of strings uswed to populate the selection list. Alternatively replace the list with the string "jobsAndUsers" to populate the list with a list of users and job names in the teamspace. |
required | boolean | If true then field must be populated before ticket can be saved. |