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Understand Sequences

Discover how 4D Models work in 3D Repo

Written by Harish Malek
Updated over 6 months ago

BIM models that you present in 3D Repo, typically represent the result of a construction process. Often they are used for early design stages, but what's more useful for people on site is the information that's relevant to their tasks. Common information channels will include project schedules, cost schedules and Health & Safety risk register. With the use of 3D modelling, we are starting to see the rise in 4D modelling. These models are frequently more comprehensive than complex schedules/tables. The only downside is the applications used to review these models are complicated and expensive.

Since video speaks thousands of words, at 3D Repo, we thought the ability to navigate a 4D model speaks a million. When taking something complicated to use and simplifying it to just a few features, you will notice a sudden surge in desire to utilise these workflows by your project team. Since 4D Models become interactive and accessible for anyone in the web browser, what do you get?

Key Benefits

Here are some of the main benefits you get from using 4D Sequences in 3D Repo in conjunction with our Issues & Safetibase features:

Planning Stage

  • Health & Safety

  • Logistics management

  • Constructability Issues management

  • Supply chain strategy

  • Work package allocation

  • Review & propose alternative Construction sequences/methods

Construction Stage

  • Health & Safety

  • Lookahead Planning

  • Site Inductions

  • Out of the Window comparison

  • Address constructibility concerns

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