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V5 - Unreal Plugin Overview
Sohail Pathan avatar
Written by Sohail Pathan
Updated over 6 months ago

V5 - Unreal Plugin Overview

Quick overview and summary of our support articles

Why the Unreal Plugin?

High-frequency updates and the complexity of CAD and BIM have historically limited the adoption of real-time rendering in AEC. Assets end up being hard-coded which means a new game needs to be deployed each time there is an update, and itโ€™s difficult to access the BIM data for other workflow tasks such as BI analytics, project management, and operations.

The Unreal Plugin provides you with a convenient way to dynamically load any BIM models from the cloud ( straight to your custom Unreal App. Here is the summary of the articles to help you get started with connecting 3D Repo to Unreal Engine:

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