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V5 - Power BI - Custom Visual Setup
Sohail Pathan avatar
Written by Sohail Pathan
Updated over 6 months ago

V5 - Power BI - Custom Visual Setup

Try our sample dashboard to learn how our custom visual works what's required

Before we begin, there are several technicalities to consider when using the 3D Repo custom visual:

  1. Model elements are limited to 70,000. Currently, Power BI imposes this restriction when filtering visuals (That's right! We have recently updated our visual to support more than 30,000 elements)

  2. The 3D Repo API call idmap (demonstrated in the example dashboard) is required for the 3D visual to understand the rest of the inputs

  3. This walkthrough is for users who are familiar with Power BI.
    ​If you're a novice user, you'll need to get familiar with the 3D Repo to Power BI concept. Read the 3D Repo to Power BI help article

  4. In this guide, you'll understand how our custom visual operates so that you can start building your dashboards

  5. Models used in this example must be Federations with at least one issue

Step 1. Download the sample dashboard

Visit our Downloads page and download the Example Dashboards folder.
In the folder, you'll find several Power BI files. Go ahead and Open the Demo Dashboard - Lego House file.

Step 2. Custom Visual inputs

In our Demo Dashboard - Lego House template, everything is already set up for you. But, if you want to load your federation, let's take a look at the information you need.

  1. Click on the Custom Visual to activate it

  2. In the visualizations side panel click on the Format icon

  3. In the Viewer tab you'll have to specify the following information:
    - API Key (for authentication)
    - Account (name of the Teamspace)
    - Model ID (unique model ID in 3D Repo)
    - Server address (if using custom deployment)

Step 3. Update the Graphs

If you updated the custom visual inputs and it's not connected to a different federation in 3D Repo, you'll need to update the graphs. Here's how you can do that. πŸ‘‡

  1. Open the transform data options menu

  2. Click on the Edit Parameters option

  3. In the pop-up window Edit Parameters you'll have to update the following information to match your custom visual:
    - API Key (for authentication)
    - Account (name of the Teamspace)
    - Model ID (unique model ID in 3D Repo)
    - Server address (if using custom deployment)

  4. Click OK to save changes

Optional: Add Colour Overrides

In addition to bringing in colours from the Default View in 3D Repo, you can also manually override the colours in PowerBI by adding an additional Data column named "Color". This column should contain a comma separated RGB value such as "255, 0, 0" for red or "204, 0, 153" for purple.

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