V5 - Power BI - Custom Visual Data Relationship
Learn what data you need and how Power BI handles the data required for our custom visual
If you had a go at our Demo Dashboard - Lego House, you will notice the additional data fields in Power BI. They come from the 3D Repo database, and you can get that information by executing API calls in Power BI. In the demo dashboard, there are four API requests, and here is what they are:
idmap is an API query to 3D Repo to retrieve the Unity_id values. We use them as values for our custom visual to know which model elements to highlight.
metadata is an API query to 3D Repo that retrieves object parameters and their values. Also known as BIM Data.
issues is an API query to 3D Repo that returns a list of all of the 'Issues' in the federation.
groups is an API query to 3D Repo that returns a list of all the groups attached to the federated models.
Note: many hidden groups contain information relating to object selection in issues. Therefore if you wish to have the issues graph highlight elements in the model viewer, you must also include the groups API query
Power BI Relationship Model
In the diagram below, you'll see the relationship diagram for our Demo Dashboard - Lego House. It is crucial to establish these bi-directional relationships across multiple datasets in Power BI. In return, you get the functionality to filter the data in your dashboards. Head over to the model tab in Power BI to review or establish new data table connections.
Now that you are familiar with the workflow, you can start building your project reports. Use our sample files or import our Custom visual into existing Power BI files and connect 3D Repo with your data.
Here is some information to help you along the way: