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Import / Export Smart Groups

Quickly import or export groups from 3D Repo and use them in other model/federations or projects

Written by Harish Malek
Updated over 6 months ago

If you aren't familiar with the 3D Repo Groups feature yet, click on each link to learn all about them:

But this isn't all as this functionality allows you to do much more in 3D Repo!

Here I'll show you how to do the following:

This workflow is particularly beneficial especially when dealing with a long list of groups within your project or if you are working with too many model revisions in 3D Repo.

Import Groups to 3D Repo

The Import Groups functionality allows you to upload new or existing Groups to 3D Repo using the JSON schema. This is a great way to facilitate information exchange for data validation between different projects, federations and models in 3D Repo.

Here is how you can upload groups to 3D Repo using JSON:

  • Open a model or federation you wish to import JSON

  • Open the Groups Card and go to the settings menu

  • Select Import Groups

  • In the file explorer window select the JSON file containing the groups you want to upload and hit Open

  • Imported groups will appear in the list after loading as shown below

You can export a custom list of JSON Groups. For instance, if you are looking to export Smart Groups or Standard Groups only, then filter those groups from the groups card settings by changing their visibility from the list then click Export Groups.

Use JSON to transfer Groups between projects in 3D Repo

Use the Export Groups option to locally download the list of groups in 3D Repo.

Follow the same Import Groups steps illustrated above to upload the list of groups into another model/federation in 3D Repo.


Not Transferred

Groups names & number of objects

X View settings upon group export (overrides and visibility are set to default and need to be applied again in the current view)

Groups colour overrides

Groups transparency overrides

Standard Groups & attributes

Smart Groups & rules

Troubleshooting & FAQs

1. I have imported the JSON file but nothing appears

If you're loading a long list of groups, it may take a while to appear in the Groups Card. Just refresh your browser page (CTRL + R) and the list will come through.

2. After Importing Groups, I get the error "Request Fail with Status Code 400"

This is a legacy issue with groups data that have the wrong type. Groups that were saved with dates that are string values aren't supported and need to be a number instead.

Don't you worry as you can easily fix this:

  • Open the JSON file in your preferred text or code editor

  • Look through createdAt and updatedAt values in the list of groups that are strings

  • Update those values to numbers via an API call or alter them manually in the file (see image below)

  • Save your JSON file

  • Go back to 3D Repo, click on Import Groups and choose this saved file

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