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Understand User Management

Discover how to share your data with other users and assign the relevant level of model permissions

Product-Team avatar
Written by Product-Team
Updated over 6 months ago

The 3D Repo platform sits in the cloud, which means anyone with a web browser and an internet connection can log in to 3D Repo. How do you control what information each user can get their hands? Most importantly, how much of that information is available to them? To answer your questions, we have designed an extensive User Management system where you can set fine-grained user privileges. Essentially you control the level of access to your projects for each user in your Teamspace and the amount of information disclosed to them.

Add an Existing 3D Repo User

Before we begin our journey, you must remember that when you add new users, first of all, they will appear in the Teamspace directory list. From there, you can decide which user to grant access to what project. Model privileges make it even more robust as you can tailor which models are accessible to individual users.

You can add users to your or any other Teamspace (if you have Admin rights) by looking up for an existing user in our database. Search them by their username or email address and click add.

Invite a New User

If a user does not exist in our database, you can send them an invitation to register for a 3D Repo account. There is even an option to define a user's model permissions, so when they sign up for a 3D Repo account they instantly have access to the models they need. Existing invitations can easily be amended or deleted at any time.


User Tiers & Ownership

Once you have added users they will exist in your Teamspace directory, think of it as a contact book. Essentially, you can have users in a Teamspace, but they might not have access to any of your projects or models. Teamspace or Project Admins can decide what information to share with them and how much ownership to grant them. There are three tiers of user privileges in any given Teamspace, here is what you can do if you're one of them:

Teamspace Admin

You have full control of the teamspace and can manage/assign other Teamspace Admins, Project Admins and Users. Manage all the data stored in the Teamspace, including all the Projects, Models, Issues & Risks.

Project Admin

You only have full control of a single or multiple Projects within any Teamspace. You can manage and assign other Project Admins or Users and manage all the data stored in the Project including Models, Issues & Risks.

Project User

You have access to a select few models/projects only. By default, an admin will grant you one of the four levels of permissions (Unassigned, Commenter, Viewer, Collaborator). As a result, you can not manage other users or models.

Project Access

Model Permissions

Whilst Teamspace Admins have full control of the Teamspace and Project Admins have full control of individual Projects, a regular User will only access a choice of models/federations within a project.

Any Teamspace can have multiple projects simultaneously, but a single user directory. When you select any project, you can also decide which models you grant access to any particular user. As a result, you won't have to duplicate a list of users for each project.

Level of Permissions

There are four tiers of user model permissions. They establish the level of interaction a user has with any of the models or federations. When you assign a new user to a model or federation, select one of the following options:

  • Unassigned (No access)

  • Viewer

  • Commenter

  • Collaborator

  • Admin

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